Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Halt at X and Salute

Well the past few weeks have been a whirlwind! I went to Kentucky last week and spent 5 days there. We looked at property (and put an offer in on a house!!), went to Rolex, and just generally had an amazing time! We will hopefully be closing on the new house in the beginning of June, and I will be moving to the beautiful bluegrass state at the end of August. I am thrilled, and excited, and terrified beyond belief. Everything I have ever known is here in New York and I am leaving it all on a whim to follow my dreams of living in Kentucky. I'm a horse person, so what better place to be then in horse country!

Rayna was doing fantastic before I left, and today was my first ride back on her since I got home on Monday, and she was still fantastic! We are now incorporating one short canter in each direction into every ride, she still doesn't turn at the canter yet, but her 20 meter trot circles are improving a lot! I think she'll be ready for an intro A dressage show by the end of summer. Today I even got her to trot off from a halt. I need to get her responding better to my seat and the bridle when I ask for downward transitions, she is kind of voice trained and stops beautifully when I tell her to with my voice, but I can't really do that in the dressage arena.

Her legs are looking good, I need to give her one more round of ivermectin. She is currently in heat so the backs of her hind legs are nasty, and she hates baths because there is no option for warm water on the farm (which is super annoying) so scrubbing her legs is always an adventure. I have been doing all of my riding in my AP saddle because honestly I have gained weight since I bought my new dressage saddle and Im afraid my ass is going to eat it next time I sit in it. Plus I don't have any stirrups for it. But I know I need to start working her in the dressage saddle and bridle. Especially since I just bought an awesome pink camo dressage pad at the KY horse park to use with it.

Heres a quick video of her 3rd canter ever! She's such a super start!

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